Peerless Continuous Aerating Machine

Peerless Continuous system for aerating cream, mousses, cakes,...with injection of air or nitrogen

In case you need a continuous aerating system, we partner with the right supplier to offer you a complete and reliable solution.

We will need to know the output per hour that you have in mind and whether you want to look at a nitrogen injection system.

Just contact us.


•Stainless steel mixing chamber with high strength
pyramid shaped mixing teeth resulting in faster
more efficient mixing

•Design of mixer chamber results in lower mixing
speeds,lower energy cost, and less heat transfer
to product being mixed

•Consists of two stationary stators and one rotating

•Hinged front stator for easy cleaning and

•Front and rear stators of mixing chamber are
constructed of double-walled stainless steel for
coolant circulation and efficient temperature

•Sanitary, positive displacement pump with
stainless steel body and connections

•Stainless steel NEMA 4X electrical enclosure

Contact us!